Though his press reps (including Mo and Kita) have been silent, it's been revealed that an emergency team responded to a possible prescription pill overdose at an apartment were Terrell Owens was staying last week. Get the deets.....
Law enforcement officials have confirmed to TMZ that Terrell Owens was rushed to an L.A. hospital last Thursday.
Although police can't confirm why T.O. was rushed to the hospital, they did say that the emergency team that showed up to his apartment was responding "...to a call about a possible prescription pill overdose."
T.O. has been released from the hospital but no one close to him has spoken out about the situation. It's all a little suspicious since T.O. was also hospitalized back in 2006 for what he said was a bad reaction to painkillers....but the medical reports said he tried to commit suicide by downing 35 Vicodin pills.
Back when that situation happened, T.O. held a press conference and said,
"The rumor of me taking 35 pills, I think is absurd. I don't think I would be here if I had taken 35 pills."
Hmmmm......When it comes to reality tv stars, you never know what is the truth and what is a publicity stunt. I guess we won't get the real deal until next season of T.O., Mo and Kita's show. If there is a next season. Because if this was a gimmick, I'm sure cameras were rolling.
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