Thursday, November 17, 2011

WTF: Teen Tries To Break Into A House Through The Chimney Ends Up Getting Stuck For 10 Hours

Let me tell you a story of a 17-year-old who wanted to break into a house in Atlanta. He decided to go through the chimney like Santa and just in time for the holidays. The only problem was that Santa somehow, someway makes his way down the chimney and the 17 year old got stuck on his way down for 10 hours. Wait! The cherry on top to this story is this kids mugshot.

If Santa knows whether you’ve been bad or good, he knows 17-year-old Renaldo Jack is part of the former group. The Atlanta-area teen was charged with burglary after trying to break into a Norcross home through the chimney.
He got stuck, and was trapped for nearly half a day. The teen’s cries for help were finally heard, and he was rescued by firefighters around 1:30 p.m. Tuesday. Gwinnett County police said Jack had been stuck in the chimney since 3 a.m. Tuesday. Jack was also charged with providing false information to a police officer after he gave a fake name to a policeman who recognised him from a prior arrest. Gwinnett County police Cpl. Jake Smith told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution a neighbour heard someone yelling for help from her neighbour’s chimney. Authorities told the Gwinnett Daily Post the teen was screaming when fire crews arrived.

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